La Universitatea din Konstanz, Germania, anul trecut au fost 102 studenti din Romania, cea mai numeroasa comunitate de studenti ne-germani.
Student Demographics, Winter Semester 2007/08
Students 9,326Female: 5,145Male: 4,181
Percentages: Female 55.17 %, Male 44.83 %
Compared to the Academic Year 1987/88:Students: 7,435Female: 3,148Male: 4,287
International Students
Studying at the University of Konstanz means moving in international circles.
Ninety-two countries are represented among its ca. 10,000 students. The University has 1,274 international students and thus an international student population of 13.66 %. There are over 130 ties with other European universities and many exchange programs with universities worldwide all contributing to a network around the globe.
International students come in particular from the following countries:
Original EU member countries 607
Romania 102
China 97
Bulgaria 91
Switzerland 87
Russia 82
Italy 68
Turkey 67
Ukraine 53
Poland 49
Czech Republic 38
France 28
Austria 25
Spain 24
Estland 23
USA 23
United Kingdom 23
Litauen 23
Bosnia and Herzegowina 19
White Russia 19
Croatia 18
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paul ...șansa ta să te combini cu o fată:D