Konstanz: Solisponti für die toten Demonstranten
Heute, am 09.12.08 fand in Konstanz eine spontane Solidaritätsdemo für den erschossenen griechischen Genossen statt. Es nahmen ungefähr 30 Antifaschisten teil.
Heute, am 09.12.08 fand in Konstanz eine spontane Solidaritätsdemo für den erschossenen griechischen Genossen statt. Es nahmen ungefähr 30 Antifaschisten teil.
Nach einer kurzen Kundgebung bewegte sich der Zug über den Weihnachtsmarkt in Richtung Bahnhof.
Bereits am Ende der Marktstätte (rund 200 Meter) schritt die Polizei ein. Dadurch wurden 4 Demonstranten festgenommen. Neben uniformierten waren auch zivile Polizisten anwesend.Die Festnahme erfolgte durch Beamte mit blauen Uniformen und Quarzsandhandschuhen. Es wurden sofort Handschellen angelegt.
Auf dem Revier ging es nach Aussage der Festgenommenen mit den Schikanen weiter. Unter Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen seitens der Polizei wurde versucht Geständnisse aus den Personen zu entlocken. Unter anderem wurde behauptet, ein Demonstrant mit Megaphon wäre vermummt aufgetreten. Fotobeweise widerlegen dies jedoch eindeutig. Des Weiteren sprach die Polizei von „Videoüberwachung“ des Weihnachtsmarkts, weshalb sie auch Beweise hätten. Die besagten Kameras waren laut Aussage von einigen Demonstranten allerdings nicht zu sehen.
Weitere Genossen sitzen noch in „Schutz“haft, wir wissen nicht was aktuell mit ihnen geschieht.
Dieser Polizeieinsatz zeigte erneut wie repressiv die Staatsgewalt gegen Andersdenkende vorgeht.
Wir bekunden Solidarität mit den Festgenommenen und den Demonstranten. Wir halten den harten Polizeieinsatz für völlig unangebracht, eine solche Behandlung gegenüber sozial agierenden Mitbürgern kann niemals gerechtfertigt werden.
Nach einer kurzen Kundgebung bewegte sich der Zug über den Weihnachtsmarkt in Richtung Bahnhof.
Bereits am Ende der Marktstätte (rund 200 Meter) schritt die Polizei ein. Dadurch wurden 4 Demonstranten festgenommen. Neben uniformierten waren auch zivile Polizisten anwesend.Die Festnahme erfolgte durch Beamte mit blauen Uniformen und Quarzsandhandschuhen. Es wurden sofort Handschellen angelegt.
Auf dem Revier ging es nach Aussage der Festgenommenen mit den Schikanen weiter. Unter Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen seitens der Polizei wurde versucht Geständnisse aus den Personen zu entlocken. Unter anderem wurde behauptet, ein Demonstrant mit Megaphon wäre vermummt aufgetreten. Fotobeweise widerlegen dies jedoch eindeutig. Des Weiteren sprach die Polizei von „Videoüberwachung“ des Weihnachtsmarkts, weshalb sie auch Beweise hätten. Die besagten Kameras waren laut Aussage von einigen Demonstranten allerdings nicht zu sehen.
Weitere Genossen sitzen noch in „Schutz“haft, wir wissen nicht was aktuell mit ihnen geschieht.
Dieser Polizeieinsatz zeigte erneut wie repressiv die Staatsgewalt gegen Andersdenkende vorgeht.
Wir bekunden Solidarität mit den Festgenommenen und den Demonstranten. Wir halten den harten Polizeieinsatz für völlig unangebracht, eine solche Behandlung gegenüber sozial agierenden Mitbürgern kann niemals gerechtfertigt werden.

Wo ist da die Vermummung?
Approximate and quite inaccurate translation provided by Google:
Constance: Solisponti for the dead demonstrators Constance: Solisponti for the dead demonstrators
Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek comrades shot instead. Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek shot went instead. It took about 30 anti-fascists participated. It took about 30 anti-Fascist participated.
Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek comrades shot instead. Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek shot went instead. It took about 30 anti-Fascist participated.
After a brief rally moved the train through the Christmas market in the direction of the station.
Already at the end of the market place (around 200 meters) progressively the police. Already at the end of the marketplace (around 200 meters) progressively the police. Thus, 4 demonstrators were arrested. Thus, 4 demonstrators were arrested. Besides uniformed policemen were also civilian anwesend.Die arrest was carried out by officers in blue uniforms and quartz gloves. Besides uniformed policemen were also civilian anwesend.Die arrest was carried out by officers in blue uniforms and gloves quartz. It was immediately handcuffed created. It was immediately handcuffed created.
On the spot it went after Evidence of those arrested with the harassment continues. On the spot it went after Evidence of those arrested with the harassment continues. Under false pretense by the police was trying confessions from the people to elicit. Under false pretense by the police was trying Confessions from the people to elicit. Among other things, it was claimed, a protester with a megaphone would vermummt occurred. Photo rebut this evidence, however, clear. In addition, the police spoke of "video surveillance" of the Christmas Market, which is why they also have evidence. Among other things, it was claimed, a nausiating with a mega phone would vermummt occurred. Photographic evidence rebutting this clearly. In addition, the police spoke of "video surveillance" of the Christmas Market, which is why they also have evidence. Those cameras were loud statement by some demonstrators, however, not to be seen. Those cameras were loud statement by some demonstrators, however, not to be seen.
This police operation once again showed how repressive the state act of violence against dissidents. This police operation once again showed how repressive the state act of violence against dissidents.
We express solidarity with the demonstrators and arrested. We express solidarity with the demonstrators and arrested. We believe that the tough police action is totally inappropriate for such a treatment against socially active citizens can never be justified. We believe that the tough police action is totally inappropriate for such a treatment against socially active citizens can never be justified.
Approximate and quite inaccurate translation provided by Google:
Constance: Solisponti for the dead demonstrators Constance: Solisponti for the dead demonstrators
Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek comrades shot instead. Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek shot went instead. It took about 30 anti-fascists participated. It took about 30 anti-Fascist participated.
Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek comrades shot instead. Today, on 09.12.08 Constance took place in a spontaneous demonstration of solidarity for the Greek shot went instead. It took about 30 anti-Fascist participated.
After a brief rally moved the train through the Christmas market in the direction of the station.
Already at the end of the market place (around 200 meters) progressively the police. Already at the end of the marketplace (around 200 meters) progressively the police. Thus, 4 demonstrators were arrested. Thus, 4 demonstrators were arrested. Besides uniformed policemen were also civilian anwesend.Die arrest was carried out by officers in blue uniforms and quartz gloves. Besides uniformed policemen were also civilian anwesend.Die arrest was carried out by officers in blue uniforms and gloves quartz. It was immediately handcuffed created. It was immediately handcuffed created.
On the spot it went after Evidence of those arrested with the harassment continues. On the spot it went after Evidence of those arrested with the harassment continues. Under false pretense by the police was trying confessions from the people to elicit. Under false pretense by the police was trying Confessions from the people to elicit. Among other things, it was claimed, a protester with a megaphone would vermummt occurred. Photo rebut this evidence, however, clear. In addition, the police spoke of "video surveillance" of the Christmas Market, which is why they also have evidence. Among other things, it was claimed, a nausiating with a mega phone would vermummt occurred. Photographic evidence rebutting this clearly. In addition, the police spoke of "video surveillance" of the Christmas Market, which is why they also have evidence. Those cameras were loud statement by some demonstrators, however, not to be seen. Those cameras were loud statement by some demonstrators, however, not to be seen.
This police operation once again showed how repressive the state act of violence against dissidents. This police operation once again showed how repressive the state act of violence against dissidents.
We express solidarity with the demonstrators and arrested. We express solidarity with the demonstrators and arrested. We believe that the tough police action is totally inappropriate for such a treatment against socially active citizens can never be justified. We believe that the tough police action is totally inappropriate for such a treatment against socially active citizens can never be justified.
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