vineri, 26 septembrie 2008

Sa mor de ras, nu alta

Serviciul de Translations al Google .com imi traduce un articol de pe blog in felul acesta:

September 16 2008
It's true! Cuza University in Iasi offers less places for students!
Why not Ionut Gânju never jumped to his neck Oprea I reproach that require too many places to Minister in comparison with the accommodation capacity of UAIC? A number of studies over 45 thousand requests for accommodation and over 15 thousand seats at home, really, 5 thousand. And that's about normal? I think that Oprea was driving principle of university "Banu 'down and get your diploma." Worse as U. Spiru Haret or Andrei Petre. All other state universities in Iasi muuult are better places at home.
To groom portocaliii cooked by his peshte what students caministi or the host / apartment were not jammed up like sheep to vote for him as mayor Oprea ...
How to get accommodation in Iasi
Thousands of students without places
What we elected to the DNA of the accommodation of ASR-UNSR coordinated by Gânju? Ionut received accommodation in the home of C11 Codrescu, the piles, which usually come fitzosii. Besides those few students accommodated really there.

17. In the home of C11 will be accommodated, with priority to the following categories:
- Married students, which will have priority families in which both spouses are
registered at the University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi;
- PhD students who have not married resident in the city;
- Student mothers with children;
- PhD students registered to date that have not resident in the city;
- Teachers who are not resident in the city;
18. Offices and homes of student speakers have the same arrangements with and places
tourism in the home of C11, accommodation in these realizându under the same criteria as
for the home mentioned.

Imi cer scuze ca nu pot sa va pun un jpeg din print screen, dar scriu de pe un laptop cu keyboardul in germana si nu stiu care e key-ul pentru print screen.
Mai aveti si voi alte exemple amuzante cu Serviciul de Traducere Automata a Google?
Iata ca totusi bitzii astia 1-0 nu pot inlocui o minte de specialist uman in traduceri.
Nici nu va spun cum suna visurat tradus automat in engleza...Just try this on a blog.

Da, domnule Morar, e romgleza digitala.  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
You should try the Klingonian translation of one of Oprea's articles on his blog...

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