marți, 14 octombrie 2008

Me at Model European Union Conferece

Yesterday I received an email from the Organizers of the Model European Union Conference in Konstanz, Germany. I was accepted in the program.
I will get informed about the role I must play on 15 October latest.
Together with my role announcement I will receive further information assisting me in preparing my position paper, which has to be handed in by 22nd October.
I wish to tell my readers that in my application form I stated that I do not want at all to assume the role of a Member of the European Parliament or of a Minister of the Council of the European Union.
When asked to mention my favourite roles I wrote: journalist or lobbyist.
The MEU topic will be the use of biofuels.
The website of MEU Konstanz
I will try to present a full coverage of this Conference on my blog, but I do not guarantee good results due to technical limitations.

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