marți, 14 aprilie 2009

Romania subtly threatens Russia to invade Moldova and to break the new Iron Curtain

Today the Romanian President Traian Basescu held a major speech in a joint parliamentary session. The topic was the turbulence in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, formerly a Romanian territory which was taken by the USSR.
Below are the paragraphs from the speech which clearly indicate that Romania considers a military solution to the political unrest in the Republic of Moldova. Statement which could trigger a brutal start of the second Cold War.

RO "Suntem îngrijoraţi de represaliile pe care autorităţile Republicii Moldova le întreprind, de încălcările grave ale drepturilor omului. Situaţia este agravată de limitarea şi blocarea activităţii reprezentanţilor mass-media, acţiuni prin care se încearcă să se ascundă opiniei publice abuzurile şi comportamentul brutal al forţelor de ordine. Jurnaliştii care mai pot transmite menţionează răpiri de persoane, reţineri abuzive, ameninţări, terorizarea cetăţenilor, fabricarea de dosare, anchete fără asigurarea asistenţei juridice pentru persoanele reţinute."

EN "We are concerned about the reprisals inflicted by the Moldovan authorities, about the serious violations of human rights. The situation is worsened by the restriction and obstruction in the journalists' activities, actions by which they try to hide to the public opinion the abuses and the behaviour of the security forces.
Journalist who can still do their job speak of kidnappings, abusive arrests, threats,terrorizing the civilizians, forgery of cases, inquiries without providing legal assistance for those held in custody."

RO "România îşi manifestă preocuparea faţă de agresarea şi măsurile ilegale întreprinse până acum împotriva cetăţenilor români."

EN "Romania expresses its concern about the attacks and illegal actions launched so far against the Romanian citizens."

RO "În condiţiile în care măsurile represive vor continua, România va analiza, în conformitate cu normele internaţionale, formele de asistenţă umanitară şi de protecţie pentru cei a căror viaţă şi integritate fizică sunt ameninţate."

EN "If the repressive actions continue, Romania will examine, according to the international regulations, all forms of humanitarian assistance and protection for all those whose lives and physical integrity are under constant threat."

RO "Amintesc că prin articolul 7 al Constituţiei, statul român are obligaţia să acorde sprijin etnicilor români din afara graniţelor."

EN "I recall that article 7 of the Romanian Constitution stipulates that the Romanian authorities are bound to assist the Romanian ethnics living abroad."

My commentary

This is exactly how the NATO-Jugoslavia War began in 1999 and the Russia-Georgia War erupted in August 2008. The right to defend an ethnic group from repressive actions taken by a certain type of government. We are drawing closer to a war. NATO and EU are still rather neutral. We wait for their standings. I foresaw the increase in the alert condition applied to the Romanian armed forces. I bet that our army generals and the intelligence services prepared strategic planning and war scenarios.

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